The 5th Wave is one of my favorite books. It is just amazing, with deep themes and good, developed characters and the plot was stunning. When I read it for the first, and second, and even for the third time, I was hooked. Every time I talk about it with my sister, we get into very deep conversations about morals and what humanity really is. The book is great and no awful movie will make me hate it.
Because that is what the movie is. It's awful. All of the elements that made me love The 5th Wave had been taken away. Cassie was a little girl who suddenly trusted Evan since the beginning. Evan's humorous creepiness in the book was not portrayed at all in the movie. He was just a perfect vampire who came and saved Cassie, although in the book they both saved each other many times. Oh wait... I meant alien, of course.
Sony ruined the chances of a succesful series. It had the possibility of being great, but now it's just a cliché teen movie. I feel so bad for Rick Yancey, who has worked so hard for this novel, and now people see the movie and think that the book is just as bad. I used to think that the best thing taht could happen to an author was that their book was made into a movie, but after seeing so many HORRIBLE adaptations I've realized that it's actually one of the riskiest things. Either it comes out good, like The Hunger Games, for example, or crappy, like every other young adult book turned into a movie.
Why are they still trying to copy Twilight? The teens who loved Twilight once are now adults, and the new generation wants something new. Give them something new, not crap! I'm so tired of it.
Anyway, I believe something good came from this movie. As always, some people will actually like the movie and feel intrigued to read the book. One of them is my younger sister (who I've been telling to read The 5th Wave for ages). She saw the movie, liked it and picked up the book. And then she said: "The movie is nothing like the book. You know what? I think I hate the movie."
Yeah, me too. What about you?
Happy reading!
Em :))