
NaNoWriMo Day 21: 4 chapters to go...

Hello hello! Today I have some good news for you. I am almost finished writing my novel.

This project has been on my mind for the last five months, and soon the first part of the process will be coming to an end. I feel so happy, and relieved. This is the first book I have ever worked on for this long, and I feel so proud (and terribly exhausted, haha).

 I still have a long way to go, since I have predicted the length of this novel to be about 70-80 thousand words long, and right now it's at 42 thousand (nanowrimo + the chapters I wrote before nano). So practically I'm half way there... Because I still have to write the second point of view that I realized that I wanted to do after already plotting it. I have also skipped a lot of scenes and even chapters because I didn't feel like writing them at the time. So yeah, there's still A LOT to be done.

But the amazing thing is that the storyline is coming to an end. Of course, since it's a series, this won't be the last time I see these characters, but still. I don't want to spoil anything, but the ending of this novel is pretty intense. There's a lot more going on than the reader or the protagonist knows about. I've came to the point where I have to reveal the mystery and tell all the secrets, and to be honest, it's intense to write. There's so much to think about and so many things to tell. My brain is pretty messed up right now :D

This is what we writers go through. Some parts I hate, and some parts I love. A few days ago I felt like the worst writer in the universe, and today before sitting down to write I felt exactly the same way. But what do we do when we feel like we suck? We write. Even when it feels terrible we have to write. The first draft is only a pile of clay that we will make into a masterpiece in the revising and editing process.

But now, go and write!!
See you tomorrow, happy writing! <3


NaNoWriMo Days 13-20: STRESS!

So... I haven't blogged in a week...

I've been really busy with school so the only free time I've had has been spent on my novel. So that's my excuse this time xD

Anyways, I just wanted to update you on my writing process. Right now I have written 38K words, which means I'm still a bit behind. But I hope that today and on Sunday (because tomorrow we'll part party) I'll be able to catch up a bit :)

Otherwise life is going a little better. I'm having stress "attacks", I get terrible headaches out of nowhere and my tummy hurts after eating or basically doing anything. I can't really focus on anything which makes life, school and writing painful. If it doesn't stop soon I think I'll have to go to the doctor, which I don't have time to do <--- This sentence explains everything -.-

My mom says that I'm too hard on myself, and maybe it's true. But I have so many things to do and so little time. And I don't just want to do homework all day, I want to have time to write and go outside. But the time just isn't enough. I come home too late every day and if I wan't do do something to stay happy and sane, like draw or read something else than homework, I have to stay up which ends in me not waking up in the morning.

But soon it will be Christmas, and all of this will be over. (For two weeks, and after that it all starts over and I have to adapt to my sucky life again. Sigh).

I wish you have a lot less to stress about and find the time to do the things you truly love <3
Happy writing!
Good night! :)


NaNoWriMo day 12: the importance of me-time

 Total word count: 16968 words


I spent most of the day doing school work, and when it was time to write, I was just too exhausted. So instead of writing, I ended up taking a walk and a hot shower.

And I have no regrets.

Obviously, I found the time to write later in the evening, which I'm really happy for. But if I wouldn't have written anything today, I still would have been happy. Because today I spent some time on myself.

Writing a book is not only what happens on the page. In fact, most of the process is inside the mind. And what affects the mind? The body. You have to take care of both body and mind to write a book, or it won't be good.

So don't worry if you're feeling a little lazy and want to take a day off. Everyone needs me-time.

Sleep well!

NaNoWriMo Days 10-11

(I will be posting this on 12th of November, because I don't have time to do it now. Try not to be too confused).

Hello world!
Today is the eleventh day of Nanowrimo, and I finally feel like I'm actually getting somewhere with this :D
I'm still behind though. Right now I'm at 15 452 words, and you're supposed to have written over 18 000 words already. But I'm getting there!
Tell me how your story is going? What has been the most enjoyable scene to write? What is your current word count?
You know I love to hear from you! I've been receiving some wonderful messages on my email and instagram lately, and I want to thank all of you for being so active and amazing!
I really appreciate the support, it makes me really look forward to bringing you this book of mine. Ohh, I hope you will love it as much as I do!

Have a great day full of writing and reading, because those are two of the best things in the whole world!! :)

Love, Emilia.


NaNoWriMo Day 9: 10 000!

I just hit 10 000 words! Ten thousand was actually my goal for the weekend, but I ended up not having so much time to write, so I had to write some extra today.

Today I wrote myself so deep into the world that I hardly noticed time passing, and trust me, that is one of the best things that can happen to you as a writer. When you write, you create something from scratch, something only you can create. The easy part is figuring out the story yourself, but when it comes to telling it in the right way, it gets hard.

I love this quote by Ann Patchett, and that is exactly what I want. They say that a reader lives a thousand lives, and so do writers.

This was a short post, but I think it's good to keep these short so you'll have more time to write than read my blog :D

Happy writing!!
<3: Emilia


NaNoWriMo Day 8: The Writer Life Tag

I can't believe it's already the second week of nanowrimo! Tell me in the comments below how many words you have written so far! My word count right now is 7 738. I still have a lot to write today.... But here's the Writer Life tag:

Write fuel: what do you eat or drink while writing?
- I don't usually eat while writing, but if I do, it's most likely fruit or something. On the other hand, it's nearly impossible for me to write without a water bottle. gotta stay hydrated.

Write sounds: what do you listen to while writing?
- Before writing, I listen to a playlist with songs that remind me of my characters to get me in the mood. But I can't write while listening to lyrics though, so when I actually write I listen to instrumentals that suit the mood and theme of the story. I can't imagine wriitng without music, it's such a big source of inspiration. Music rocks.

Write vice: biggest distraction.
- School, friends and family. Got to stay in touch with the real world, haha.

Write horror: what's the worst thing that's ever happened to you while writing?
- I have no idea actually :D

Write joy: what's the best thing that's ever happened while writing and how do you celebrate small victories?
- The best thing that can happen while I'm writing is that I'm so inspired that I don't even notice time passing. I celebrate small victories by dancing around in my room and telling all my friends, who honestly don't care how many words I write xD

Write crew: who do you communicate with or not communicate with while writing?
-  I sometimes talk to my family, but I prefer bbeing all alone and isolated.

Write secret: what's you writing secret to success or biggest writing flaw.
- Hmm.. Biggest writing flaw is that I'm a huge procrastinator. This blog was born because of my constant need to procrastinate :)

Write inspiration; what makes you productive?
- Music, movies and books. Oh, and real life of course. I've noticed that I get the most inspiration whe I'm sad, so getting my heart broken also helps a lot. *sobs*

Write peeve: what's one thing writers do or you do that's annoying?
-  I'm contantly referring to my book when I talk to my family, and it's really getting on their nerves xD

Write words: share something you've written.
- "In the end, aren't we all fairies without wings?" <-- My favorite sentence from my book!!

Hope you liked it! See you again tomorrow! Also, tell me what you would like to read about next :)
Happy writing! :D


NaNoWriMo Days 6-7: Nanowrimo tag

Hi! Because I didn't write a nanowrimo update yesterday, I thought I'd do something more special today. I decided to do the nanowrimo tag, which can be found on youtube. I'll do it here on the blog, because I don't have a youtube channel :D

Alright, let's begin.

1. How many times have you done nanowrimo?
Two times. Last year was a failure,  but 2015 will be a success.

2. How did you find out about nanowrimo?
I searched for writing tips online... And then it just happened.

3. What was the name of the first novel you attempted Nano with?
Wild Azure. It really sucked xD

4. Give us a 1 sentence summary of what you're writing this year.
It's a war between Earth spirits and humans, that can either end in eternal chaos, or eternal peace between all of the beings.

5. What's the best writing advice you've ever been given?
Write. Don't care about the typos, don't care if it sounds stupid. Just write, because it's the editing that makes that pointless pile of words into a book. Just write and don't care.

6. Did you ever take a year off from NaNo? Why?
Nope :D

7. What's your biggest inspiration when figuring out what to write?
I get inspiration from movies, tv shows and books. Good stories make more stories.

8. Read us the first sentence of one of your novels.
I can't, because I don't have my laptop with me right now :(

9. Why do you love writing?
Because whenever I write, I can create anything I want. I set the rules, and I follow them. I can make fake people and fake worlds become real, with only some words. It's like magic.

I hope you enjoyed this!
Post your own nanowrimo tags below, and I'll see you tomorrow. Bye! :)


NaNoWriMo Day 5: 2 000 words in one day

Yes, I wrote 2562 words today. It's been a tough beginning for me, but I feel like I'm finally starting to get into the flow. Nanowrimo is just such an amazing experience, and now I'm so happy that I made the decision to participate. This novel is so important to me, and now I've began to understand how strongly I feel for this project.

A story isn't only a bunch of words put into a nice order. Every story is a piece of the storyteller's heart and soul. It's like a baby. And what do you do to babies? You love and care for them. And that's what you should do to your story.
Love your story, or nobody else will.

Happy writing! Don't get discouraged. You can do this :)
a happy and excited writer.


NaNoWriMo Days 1-4: A Crazy Beginning

Nanowrimo is a journey. And it's a journey I want to finish.

This year's nanowrimo has just begun, and already it feels like the time passes by faster than I can write. I'm already 3000 words behind in my word count, and I'm writing this post just to procrastinate. Ugh I should really go and write now...

It's just that it's harder for me this time, because I'm continuing a project that has been in progress for many months now, instead of beginning a new one. And everyone knows the feeling you have when you start something new; everything feels amazing and easy, and the story has no issues. yet. But when you've written more than 30K words of a single project, you're just kind of.. bored.

It's tough to write 1667 words every day, especially when you're tired of your own book idea and exhausted because of school. It's hard, and there's nothing wrong with admitting that to yourself. But you should never give up. You can write fifty thousand words this month, and so can I. We have an amazing community, and together we can do this.

Let's make this the best November and NaNoWriMo this far! :)

Happy writing!
