I've been wanting to write this post for a long time, but every time I start I can't come up with anything smart to say to you. I want to make you feel better and inspire you, but how can I when I'm the worst example of having good self confidence?

Everyone feels fat sometimes.
I'll try to help you beat the fat day in the face, because feeling fat should NEVER ruin your day. Ever.
You are not fat. You may feel fat, but you should know that a feeling isn't the real thing. The more you tell yourself something, the more your brain will bealieve it. Instead of standing in front of the mirror, thinking how ugly and fat you are, think about the good things. Look into your eyes. Put on some makeup if it makes you feel better. Eat something healthy for breakfast. Take a fruit with you to school or work, wherever you go. Take a walk outside. Take a hot shower. Make yourself comfortable. Put on a pair of jeans you know you look good in. Think positively. Don't let a fat feeling ruin your day. You're not fat, and you're most certainly not ugly.
And if nothing works, you can just fake it. If you walk into a room feeling fabulous, then everyone else will think you are.
Because you are.
Have a wonderful day!
Ps. I have fat days too often... Maybe I should start following my own tips ;)
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