
Skin (Writing recources - How to describe skincolor)

I have an enormous range of color in my new book. I love it when authors explain more about the characters' skin colors, because too often they want you to assume that the person is white. And that is so annoying, because it's stupid. Not everyone is white. It's so unrealistic.
 So here's some advice on describing skin colors :)

- Avoid too long descriptions like dark goldenrod, cracked and wrinkled skin. That's just a bit too much.

- If you describe skin tones other than white, then you should describe white skin too. Otherwise It'll be weird. Here's some examples:

- Food related descriptions... No, no, no. I mean, yeah, some may be ok, but don't use food in your descriptions too often (otherwise your reader will get hungry).

- Try to be different and unique, but don't use words that the average reader won't understand.

- Also show facial features and go deeper. Don't just say "He was Asian". That's boring! (Even though it might work the best in some cases. It's your story, who am I to tell you how to write?)

And remember that only telling the skin tone still leaves out a lot. Make sure to also show eye color, hair color and style and even describe the face or body.

Further reading:

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