Last night was one of those nights when I just couldn't sleep because too many ideas were screaming to me. I had to go up and write it down, because this one I just couldn't let go into oblivion (that's what happens to those I'm too lazy or tired to write down, they always end up forgotten).
This will be the best year of my life. I said that when 2015 started too, but this time I'm meaning it, 100%. This will truly be the year when I let go of the bad things, and bring in all the good things. 2016 will be the year of no fear.
So, in 2015 I failed. What's so special about this year?
Change is all about commitment. When I was 16 and still a bit rash, I couldn't commit. I wanted something, but I wasn't really sure what, or how to get it. But that's what happens when you grow older, you learn stuff. I've learned a lot more about myself now, and I want to learn more.
So what I'm going to do is I'll write 10 things I want to do this year, but also 10 fears that will have to be overcome. Are you ready? I am!
10 Things I Want To Do In 2016
1. Write two books2. Help people more. Make them smile! :D
3. Learn hoopdancing
4. Finish revising my 2015 novel
5. Post something on Wattpad
6. Read 40 books
7. Eat less meat
8. Learn to hold my breath for 2 minutes
9. Travel somewhere I've never been before
10. Create a YouTube channel (I can't decide whether to put this here or on the scary things list... )
10 Things I'm Scared To Do In 2016
1. Share my blog to friends and family (I actually don't know why this is so scary, it just is!)2. Go somewhere high (Heights. I'm afraid of heights.)
3. Tell people that I do mermaiding
4. Share a video of me hooping
5. Make a speech in front of many people
6. Let someone read my novel
7. Post more selfies on social media (my face scares me, ok xD)
8. Be one week without makeup (not on a vacation, that's cheating, haha)
9. Talk to a crush (if I find one, that is C: )
10. Be part of a big project where I'll have to be social (I've got two of them coming up this spring, and I'm already freaking out of excitement and fear)
Now I want to challenge you to do the same! You don't have to share it on the internet, but please make some changes in your life. If you want to get somewhere, you have to do something to change. It doesn't matter if you succeed or fail, what matters is that you try. Do things you love, and do things you fear. That's how we grow.
I know that life will get in the way in 2016 too, but this time I'll be more prepared. I am strong and capable of so much more than I believe. I have to kick my doubts in the face and show them they don't rule over me. I'm the queen of myself!
We are warriors, we are fighters, we can do this!
No person is to small, no challenge too big.
Love, Em.
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